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Federalism Index Project

What's new in the American federalism policy world? Explore the 2025 Federal and State Policy Tracker: 

Federalism Feature

Executive Actions - First 100 Days in Office

Monthly Newsletter

Crossing Brooklyn Bridge

Federalism Matters

"It's true that Republicans have often been more clearly associated with federalism. But both sides are fair-weather federalists. Both sides will, depending on the politics of the moment, prefer state or national power, depending on where they're in control. People ought to have a more enduring commitment to federalism for democratic reasons-that's the aim of my research agenda….I'm delighted to have people come late to the party. And I hope to convince them that this shouldn't be a short-term commitment because they don't like the politics of the moment. A commitment to federalism should really be a long-term commitment based on the importance of democratic design."


—  Heather Gerken

FIP Classroom

The Federalism Index Project at Utah Valley University's Center for Constitutional Studies exists to help educators, state leaders, and ordinary citizens better understand and appreciate the history, meaning, and contemporary relevance of American federalism in the overall structure of the United States Constitution as well as globally. 


Current Teacher-Friendly Dashboards

  • Federalism Around the World

  • Size of Government

  • Federal Regulations

  • Public Opinion

  • State Initiatives

  • State Migration

  • American Federalism Committees


Continuing Legal Education Credit

Federalism is a dynamic concept, and Federalism Law is inherently complex. But the basic principles of American federalism have not changed dramatically over time. 


Take a free course on the Principles of Federalism and earn Continuing Legal Education Credit. The online course is divided into six short (10-12 minute) modules. It is taught by historians, constitutional law professors, and federalism scholars from some of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country.  Credit can be earned in three steps:


  1. Watch the Federalism Curriculum Videos

  2. Take a short quiz testing what you learned

  3. Submit your information and receive free CLE credit

Federalism Curriculum

Federalism Curriculum

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Federalism Shorts

Federalism Shorts
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IVF and the American States
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Federalism and Sports Betting
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Vulnerable Child Protection Act
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